Book Quotes

These are quotes taken from Blessed, Protected, or In School – There’s No Such Thing As Luck by Bruce Wayne Linafelter

Page 15

I remember a teacher workshop I attended where the presenter handed out a small poster for us to hang in our classroom that read, “What You Expect Is What You Get”. Art Williams, founder of a large open air mission in New York City said it this way, “You pretty much get out of life what you expect.”

Page 58 

I remember when I was a band director I shared an office with the vocal music teacher, George. He had a sign above his desk that read, “Lord, give me patience and give it to me RIGHT NOW!”

Page 67

Being in school can make you bitter or better. It is a choice we must make every time the classroom doors are opened.

Page 74

If you are not feeling close to the Lord, guess who moved?

Page 74

“this ain’t heaven yet!” means simply that we are going to have trials and tribulations.

Page 88

If you disagree with my views about blessed, protected and in school, you probably do not agree with my views on the need for a personal relationship with Jesus. You probably don’t believe in God the creator of all things, why Jesus came to earth as a man, His redemptive work on the cross to save sinners, and the promise of life after death. Again, if you are right and I am wrong on this point, when we die, we die. It is the end of all things. But if I am right and you are wrong, you will miss out on life in heaven where you will live forever after you die. You will also miss out on blessings from our Heavenly Father while living in the here and now.

Page 90

if we try to take any credit for times we are protected, we are taking God out of the equation and robbing Him of his due praise.

Page 92

Many people will miss heaven by 18 inches, the distance between their head and heart. They believe the facts in their head about Jesus, but do not have a change of heart.